Where to fly your Quadcopter / Wing / Drone on Long Island?

Unfortunately our places to fly are quite limited on Long Island. Mostly because of either new laws that were put into place regarding drones as well as the non-acceptance by existing aerodromes and clubs for flying.   The only thing that will change that is your involvement, voice your opinion, make your point heard and speak out.  We are working on compiling a list of politicians you can contact along with the local RC clubs and Aerodrome contacts.  There is absolutely no reason why a quad or drone can not fly at any place a RC plane or Helicopter can fly at.  Its ridiculous to be honest, but talking about it is not going to change a thing, its time to take action.  Want to help? Let us know…

Latest listings and info can be found on this dedicated pagehttps://lifpv.com/where-to-fly-race-your-quad-long-island/


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dan cheung
dan cheung
7 years ago

We fly fpv quads and wings at the Hempstead harbor aerodrome in Port Washington with the hhams.. Hempstead harbor aeromodelers. We are an ama field and welcome all new fpv and quad pilots! Guests can fly at the field, membership to the hhams is encouraged!